Market day in La Penita. We also had a great lunch of 3 tacos for 24 pesos, about $2 and a beer for a dollar. Beachcombed down to the breakwater. The tide was low so the estuary had very little water. People were just wading through the little stream to get to Guyabitos. We walked on up to the Bridge of Life - suspension bridge built by norteamericanos. This bridge is for walkers and bicyclists and is great as otherwise you have to walk across the bridge on the highway where there is little room and is very dangerous as most cars are going about twice the 40km per hour that is posted. I was proud of myself for making it all the way up the hill. The pool beckoned and was so welcome as i was just about ready to have a heat stroke. We startd out at 8am and got back up the hill about 2 so that was a lot of walking!
Lovely and warm again today. Olivia and I met with some avid hikers to try the 2.5 hour hike in the Punta Raza ridge area. We were immediately way behind the others who were out of sign and hearing. We missed the turn off as it was occupied by several cows, which at the time made us a bit nervous. Luckily for us we met another of the group who was on his first hike too and who had been down the trail we were on exploring. He told us we were not on the same path as the others. Olivia and I decided to go back and try again some other day when we were a bit more prepared. It was great to see where the trail started though and the jungle was so dense and deep in parts of it. Loved it.